OSCam Client-Verbindung überwachen (Satreceiver)
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Funktioniert noch nicht - Client ist direkt nach dem Startup noch nicht erstellt
touch /usr/script/check_oscam_client.sh chmod +x /usr/script/check_oscam_client.sh vi /usr/script/check_oscam_client.sh
#!/bin/bash # # ------------------------------- # Requires: curl (opkg install curl) # ------------------------------- # Changelog: # # ------------------------------- filename="check_oscam_client" client="GigaBlue UHD QUAD 4K (receiver-seestadt)" # Debug # "1" Aktiviert # "0" Deaktiviert debug="0" # Temporärer Pfad OHNE abschließendem Slash (/) am Ende temp="/tmp" # ------------------------------- howto='\nUsage: ./check_oscam_client <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <clientcount>' if [ "$#" -lt "5" ]; then echo -e "$howto" && exit "3" fi # General strHostname=${1} strPort=${2} strUser=${3} strPass=${4} strClientcount=${5} #echo "$strHostname:$strPort:$strUser:$strPass:$strClientcount" rm -f "$temp"/screenshot.html rm -f "$temp"/status.html # File Download curl --connect-timeout 2 -vu ""$strUser":"$strPass"" --anyauth -o ""$temp"/screenshot.html" "http://$strHostname/#/screenshot" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null a=$(curl --connect-timeout 2 -vu ""$strUser":"$strPass"" --anyauth -o ""$temp"/status.html" "http://$strHostname:$strPort/status.html" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ] then { lines=$(wc -l ""$temp"/status.html" | awk '{print $1}') if [ $lines -lt 2 ] ; then { t=$(tail -n 1 ""$temp"/status.html") echo "CRITICAL: " $t # Logging if [ "$logsyslog" == "1" ] ; then logger "$filename $version - CRITICAL: $t"; fi if [ $debug -eq 1 ] ;then echo -e "Fehler - Status.html hat >2 Zeilen und sieht somit nicht korrekt aus." ; fi exit 2; } else { s='<P id="chead">Clients <span id="ucs">'${strClientcount}'</span>/<span id="uca">1</span></P><DIV>'; #echo "s="$s""; g=$(grep "$s" "$temp"/status.html) if [ $debug -eq 1 ] ; then echo -e "Suchstring="$g""; fi if [ $? -eq 0 ] then #Grep erfolgreich - aber noch nicht klar ob string gefunden if [ ! "$g" == "" ] then if [ $debug -eq 1 ] ;then echo -e "Sieht gut aus - String $s wurde gefunden." ; fi echo -e "OSCAM client of $client is working at `date +"'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'"`" | /usr/bin/mailx -A kirner.or.at -s "OSCAM client of $client are currently working" admin@kirner.or.at else if [ $debug -eq 1 ] ;then echo -e "Sieht schlecht aus - String $s nicht gefunden." ; fi // TODO add restart logic echo -e "OSCAM client of $client restarted at `date +"'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'"`" | /usr/bin/mailx -A kirner.or.at -s "OSCAM client of $client restarted" admin@kirner.or.at fi else if [ $debug -eq 1 ] ;then echo -e "Sieht schlecht aus - String $s nicht gefunden." ; fi fi } fi } else { echo "CRITICAL: Could not download status.html (StatusCheck)" # Logging if [ "$logsyslog" == "1" ] ; then logger "$filename $version - CRITICAL: Could not download status.html (StatusCheck)"; fi exit 2; } fi
Init-Script erstellen
touch /etc/init.d/run_check_oscam_client.sh chmod a+x /etc/init.d/run_check_oscam_client.sh vi /etc/init.d/run_check_oscam_client.sh
sleep 20 && /usr/script/check_oscam_client.sh <hostname> 83 <username> <password> 1
cd /etc/rc3.d/ ln -sf ../init.d/run_check_oscam_client.sh /etc/rc3.d/S99run_check_oscam_client.sh
Zurück zu Watchdog (Oscam)