Nftables Mailserver
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Stand 16.07.2023
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f flush ruleset include "/etc/nftables/fail2ban.conf" table inet filter { set internal_networks_ip4 { type ipv4_addr flags interval auto-merge elements = {,,, } } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; # established/related connections ct state established,related accept; # loopback interface iifname lo accept; # icmp (ping) iifname "wlan0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "tun0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth0" ip daddr { } icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth1" icmp type echo-request accept; # open sshd (22) for internal networks only tcp dport { ssh } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept SSH from internal networks" # open tcp ports: http (80), https (443) tcp dport { http, https } accept; # open udp ports: domain (53), openvpn (1194) udp dport { domain, openvpn } accept; # mail ports: pop3 (143), imap (110), submission (SMTP/587), smtp (25), doveadm (47111) tcp dport { pop3, imap2, submission, smtp, 47111 } accept; udp dport { imap2 } accept; # mysql (3306) meta l4proto { tcp, udp } @th,16,16 { 3306 } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept mysql from internal networks"; counter comment "count dropped packets" #log } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept; iifname "wlan0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth1" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "wlan0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "eth1" ct state related,established accept; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; } } # NAT table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; } # for all packets to WAN, after routing, replace source address with primary IP of WAN interface chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; oifname "wlan0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth1" ip saddr masquerade; } }
Stand 28.11.2020
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f flush ruleset include "/etc/nftables/fail2ban.conf" table inet filter { set internal_networks_ip4 { type ipv4_addr flags interval auto-merge elements = {,, } } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; # established/related connections ct state established,related accept; # loopback interface iifname lo accept; # icmp (ping) iifname "wlan0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "tun0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth0" ip daddr { } icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth1" icmp type echo-request accept; # open sshd (22) for internal networks only tcp dport { ssh } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept SSH from internal networks" # open tcp ports: http (80), https (443) tcp dport { http, https } accept; # open udp ports: domain (53), openvpn (1194) udp dport { domain, openvpn } accept; # mail ports: pop3 (143), imap (110), submission (SMTP/587), smtp (25), doveadm (47111) tcp dport { pop3, imap2, submission, smtp, 47111 } accept; udp dport { imap2 } accept; # mysql (3306) meta l4proto { tcp, udp } @th,16,16 { 3306 } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept mysql from internal networks"; counter comment "count dropped packets" #log } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept; iifname "wlan0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth1" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "wlan0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "eth1" ct state related,established accept; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; } } # NAT table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; } # for all packets to WAN, after routing, replace source address with primary IP of WAN interface chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; oifname "wlan0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth1" ip saddr masquerade; } }
Stand 17.8.2020
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f flush ruleset include "/etc/nftables/fail2ban.conf" table inet filter { set internal_networks_ip4 { type ipv4_addr flags interval auto-merge elements = {,, } } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; # established/related connections ct state established,related accept; # loopback interface iifname lo accept; # icmp (ping) iifname "wlan0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "tun0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth0" ip daddr { } icmp type echo-request accept; # open sshd (22) for internal networks only tcp dport { ssh } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept SSH from internal networks" # open tcp ports: http (80), https (443) tcp dport { http, https } accept; # open udp ports: domain (53), openvpn (1194) udp dport { domain, openvpn } accept; # mail ports: pop3 (143), imap (110), submission (SMTP/587), smtp (25), doveadm (47111) tcp dport { pop3, imap2, submission, smtp, 47111 } accept; udp dport { imap2 } accept; # mysql (3306) meta l4proto { tcp, udp } @th,16,16 { 3306 } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept mysql from internal networks"; counter comment "count dropped packets" #log } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept; iifname "wlan0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "wlan0" ct state related,established accept; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; } } # NAT table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; } # for all packets to WAN, after routing, replace source address with primary IP of WAN interface chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; oifname "wlan0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; } }
Stand 17.04.2020
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f flush ruleset include "/etc/nftables/fail2ban.conf" table inet filter { set internal_networks_ip4 { type ipv4_addr flags interval auto-merge elements = {,, } } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; # established/related connections ct state established,related accept; # loopback interface iifname lo accept; # icmp (ping) iifname "wlan0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "tun0" icmp type echo-request accept; iifname "eth0" ip daddr { } icmp type echo-request accept; # open sshd (22) for internal networks only tcp dport { ssh } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept SSH from internal networks" # open tcp ports: http (80), https (443) tcp dport { http, https } accept; # open udp ports: domain (53), openvpn (1194) udp dport { domain, openvpn } accept; # mail ports: pop3 (143), imap (110), submission (SMTP/587), smtp (25), doveadm (47111) tcp dport { pop3, imap2, submission, smtp, 47111 } accept; udp dport { imap2 } accept; # mysql (3306) meta l4proto { tcp, udp } @th,16,16 { 3306 } ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept comment "accept mysql from internal networks"; counter comment "count dropped packets" #log } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; ip saddr @internal_networks_ip4 accept; iifname "wlan0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; iifname "eth0" oifname "tun0" ct state related,established accept; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; } } # NAT table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; } # for all packets to WAN, after routing, replace source address with primary IP of WAN interface chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; oifname "wlan0" ip saddr masquerade; oifname "eth0" ip saddr masquerade; } }
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